Hello guys, hope y'all doing good.
- So there has been an issue i've noticed here, the smoke... i have seen that some players can see right through smoke without problem (for unknown explanation).
-meanwhile others can't see and even some players lag so much in smoke or behind it which decrease their FPS and makes the game harder and almost unplayable.
I would like for the admins to consider remove the smoke grenades for the sake of a good gameplay, and thank you.
- So there has been an issue i've noticed here, the smoke... i have seen that some players can see right through smoke without problem (for unknown explanation).
-meanwhile others can't see and even some players lag so much in smoke or behind it which decrease their FPS and makes the game harder and almost unplayable.
I would like for the admins to consider remove the smoke grenades for the sake of a good gameplay, and thank you.