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Unban Request

1. Informations d'interdiction: 
[AMXBans] ================================ ============= 
[AMXBans] Vous avez été banni de ce serveur par Admin Smoker. 
[AMXBans] Vous êtes banni de manière permanente. 
[AMXBans] Banni Pseudo: ASSASS! N 
[AMXBans] Raison: 'Wallhack' 
[AMXBans] Vous pouvez vous plaindre de votre interdiction @ 
[AMXBans] Votre SteamID: 'STEAM_1: 0: 10: 1015684228 ' 
[AMXBans] Votre adresse IP:' ' 
[AmxBans] Serveur: Arabian-Servers.Com [Dust2Only] (de_dust2) 
[AmxBans] Créé à: 08/12/2019 - 15: 50: 22 
[AmxBans] Date d'expiration 

2. DEMO:

3. SCAN: Je n'ai pas mon scan, mais Admin Smoker devrait l'avoir

4. Commentaires: bonjour, j'ai récemment été banni apparemment, j'ai été scanné par Smoker et il a dit que j'étais propre, après il m'a demandé 3 captures d'écran et je les lui ai poliment envoyées, il a prétendu qu'elles étaient fausses ou quelque chose comme ça ...
tout le monde sur le serveur sait que Je suis un joueur digne de ce nom et je ne connais pas de trucs / astuces, ce n’est pas la première fois que je suis banni pour avoir triché et à la fin, j’ai toujours eu la certitude que j’étais propre et en mesure de réviser ma cas et unban moi. 
Merci pour votre temps.

Hello Smile

I don't know why you think i  should believe you without providing what i asked you to provide.
anyways here is  your 3 ss you provided:

and from demo it's clear you don't want to provide the 6 screenshots i already took from your game  when i only need 3, any 3 of  the 6 ss.

then you said  this:
*SPEC* ASSASS!N : plzz exit me bro
*SPEC* ASSASS!N : nexy time
*SPEC* ASSASS!N : next i promiss

you spend more than 1 hours maybe trying to not provide the real ones, and the logs prove it.

about your scan:
i know it needs at least 2 min to make a scan, but you gave me a scan so fast like it was ready, i don't know what's your trick but i didn't ban you for this reason.

another thing:

you got banned before maybe 2 weeks i don't know in exact but you came back after 5 min maybe and proud that no one can  ban you,
next time i  banned you by sban also you came back with different ip.
i can't prove this story but i think the rest  is enough.
for extra checking and to avoid any kind of abuse i would like to join your pc. "important to reply  on this"

dude im clean but now why u banned me a parmanent ?? i love this server dude why parmanent why wallhack i laying for 3 years or more by the way tank you for reading my new report

Sad  hellow again. why parmanent. why wallhack .tank you

about ss in first i not enderstand anything anything

about ss in first i not enderstand anything anything

this ss shows that you  have good experience with providing ss to Admin Sn2oopy.
anyways i don't have anything on you if you can provide the 6 ss i asked you to provide.
and  still to avoid any  kind of abuse i want to join  your pc.
thank  you  Smile

where i can provid that
im banned

here bro

last question  why this parmanent bro why u r so .. i cant speak anymore  Huh  

 parmanent  Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh

Q:  where i can provide that?
i'm banned

ANS:   here bro.

dude just put my scan and we will talk about this wh and i will give ur ss
 tank you

put my scan

i will give u ur ss

                                tank you
u can join in my pc and find my ss
tank you

again put my scan  tank you

Hi Bro,

Did he join ur pc and found Screenshots ?

Am still waitin rest of story then we will see for unban


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