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Night Admin watch

[b]Salam Alikom everybody[/b]

After the permission of my bros who are doing a great Job on the server and for the lack of admins in the night I want to apply for adminship request I play the night only and so many other players and sometimes we need admins there  

My Game name is__T.!ËST0'

My Real Name Mustapha

Age 44

I'v no Facebook Account 

I'v played Cs since 2000 now I'v 17 years Playing it and I'v played it my real life too coz I was in Military 

anti-terrorists forces in 1995/97 Algeria and im Steamer since 2004
Steam ID 0:1:3416219

steam profile link:

Server Name .: Arabian Servers [ Dust2 Only ] :.

Hello Tiesto.
I have some important points we need to find a solution for it and note that i have no problem if you become admin or not bcz i have no time to care about you.

first of all>> you have all my respect and i'm really sorry for yesterday and the following.

second of all>> you don't need excuse to apply for Admin ship request your exp is perfect and i recommend you but i know you don't care about it bcz you had 17 years of playing and just after what happened yesterday you wanted to be admin, so this Admin ship request not for a good purpose.

third>> me and za3iim all night in server and that's why you wanted to be admin.

third>> maybe you don't know but there is a rule to ban campers for 30min and your style is all about camping so you need to fix your style and keep on pre fire also moving with out camping so you will keep our face white, and note that i didn't apply this rule on you bcz i'm always giving chances for players who deserve it.

fifth>> admin is not only about night watch is also active and amx commands so you need both of it.

sixth>> i gave you 5 stars bcz i respect you and i want you to be a good friend and brothers in arms bcz i want to learn from your long exp if it really worth.

Hi Bros,

I talked with Tiesto since 1 / 2 weeks about adminrights
Good activity , good exp and mature guy.

U have my steam, contact me and i will add u.
Welcome back in family bro

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