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Ramadan Marathon

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if someone gets kicked by .votekick and if he managed to join team .. this team wont be able to votekick him again i guess its kind of a bug and it says [ have you voted against this player ] this bug need to be fixed

you mean twice kick ?

(12-15-2018, 06:22 PM).:WЁ§ŦĆǾλ$Ť:. Wrote: you mean twice kick ?
Ye kind . if for eg a guy has high ping and he gets kicked from the team a few sec after he joins again the rest of the players wont be able to votekick him again due to that bug.....

oyeah true, when a player starts trolling or ruining the game and he got a kick by teammates votekick, and he got able to rejoin the server before another player did, he just couldn't be kicked again and he keeps doing his shit

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