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Ramadan Marathon

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Turkish but live in the UK, I mainly play on the Automix servers but also Dust 2 and Deathmatch.

I don't usually have a lot of time for gaming but recently I have been on more, mainly because the Automix servers are good fun - lots of loud voicechat lol. Nervo is the funniest, but he remembers me only because I banned him from another server I was admin on  Big Grin . Maybe I'll apply to be Admin, we'll see...

See you around!

Welcome  Big Grin

Welcome here enjoy

Welcom and i hope to enjoy whith us ?

Hi, presto me too i love to play with nervo some fun some laugh some rage on mic with me and him When the match end and you are really very good Player and Welcome bro Smile

hi my FAN Big Grin & enjoy ^^ allo pacpac

Thanks all. Looking forward to more good games, it has made me enjoy CS again Big Grin

See you on the battlefield!


 Enjoy with us  Wink

(09-15-2018, 02:38 AM)presto Wrote: Turkish but live in the UK, I mainly play on the Automix servers but also Dust 2 and Deathmatch.

I don't usually have a lot of time for gaming but recently I have been on more, mainly because the Automix servers are good fun - lots of loud voicechat lol. Nervo is the funniest, but he remembers me only because I banned him from another server I was admin on  Big Grin . Maybe I'll apply to be Admin, we'll see...

See you around!

Thanks all!

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