08-14-2018, 09:42 AM
- my game name :Ap0c@lips3
- real name : ilyes
- my age : 18
- my facebook : https://web.facebook.com/ilyes.italyano.1
- my exp : well i have been an admin on cod mw4 old school for a year , also i have been an admin in milf servers , i play cs more than 6 years and i have played cs go for 2 years , i watched alot of overwatchs so i really know how hackers do , and im a very active player but i dont play cs 1.6 on steam i just have warzone because my steam got vac banned
- steam id :76561198129314487
- my steam profile link : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198129314487/
- server name : arabian-server.com [dust2only]
- game tracker stats :https://www.gametracker.com/account/manage/