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Test of WarGods Cheat Defender

Hello everybody . I did a test on the capabilities of WarGods Cheat Defender to detect a cheat At . Of course on non steam and on no server. I just play steam Wink . It's cool he detected the cheat. but the problem is that it puts the same id non steam on your steam. So I suggest to admins to check the scan . because it can come from another players if the person plays in a cyber game with the same laptop if the person has done a scan before but it can also come from the same person  Tongue  . here I am with a red spot on my scan . But at least now. WarGods Cheat Defender works well  Big Grin  and at the end Gl and Hf  Wink

[Image: 1508233327-nouvelle-image-bitmap.png]

oh , nice test bro it will help us alot

but about 'it puts the same id non steam on your steam' i didn't get you , can you explain it more?
Regards, NervN

Hi Nea Wink I rectify . it does not put the same id. but it takes the address of the pc even by changing the ip internet address on the same laptop. we redo the scan on steam it will appear on the page WarGods . sorry I misinterpreted the test lol Big Grin

I discovered this WarGods Cheat Defender. really too practical to detect cheaters Big Grin

ok , good job, auto-scan can if the player SCAN is fake or not so if admin used it , it wouldn't be problem, but the problem will exists when admin check manually [almost in Mix-Servers].
Regards, NervN

unlike the other servers. if the option is added to automix. it will cause problems. because I saw that when an admin requests a scan by amxmodmenu. the person finds himself in spectator mode to do the scan. but it does not stop asking for the scan directly if a person is suspicious. when he dies he can do his scan . it remains a very good way to detect the cheaters

actually auto-scan is currently not designed for mix , so the installed one in mix is temporary.
currently i'm working for a version for mix and i will add your suggestion to it, thx.
Regards, NervN

Nea I had a doubt. I wanted to do another test. I reformatted the same laptop and redo the scan, unfortunately all the old scan are cleared . pity that all the old scans are gone.
[Image: 171023041809979184.jpg]

now we know that the test is reliable. but if you change your laptop or reformate the same laptop. that my Wargods to zero

(10-23-2017, 01:56 PM)aywav1 Wrote: Nea I had a doubt. I wanted to do another test. I reformatted the same laptop and redo the scan, unfortunately all the old scan are cleared . pity that all the old scans are gone.
[Image: 171023041809979184.jpg]

now we know that the test is reliable. but if you change your laptop or reformate the same laptop. that my Wargods to zero

Really ?!? Confused

This is interesting Huh

BeetleJuice Unfortunately yes . But I think that this is not a problem. Even if all previous scans are erased. it remains that the person is not judged on the scan of the past but the scan of the moments where he plays

I think it's time to remove this post. I do not want to give ideas to hackers

I agree.

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