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Hi to all that read this.
First of all let me say that I play on these servers very rarely and have just entered the Auto-Mix out of curiosity.
The map has been changed to de_mirage, team leaders choose their members.
After 2 or 3 rounds I noticed the admins discussing to kick me, they voted and I think the result was 40-60.
Then they kept talking "wtf just kick him"
So I got kicked, enterd the game again and politely asked for an explanation, got kicked again.
I was totaly ignored whithout even a slight trace of human decency to be given an explanation.
Oh mighty admin, show wisdom and provide information and justify your decision or if I have done someting wrong please explain and I will not break that rule again.
Long story short, I am an activie admin on a different server and know how to say please and thank you.
I know it's easier to say "wtf, just kick him" but let's show a bit of respect for all players and let us not forget that ALL servers are live because of all of us.

1- who is that admin ?

2- none has the right to kick a player when the vote kick result don't kicked him in condition that player was not trolling or doing something can ruined the game

The admin's name is Sere

.votekick is available for everyone, admins or not.
They might have kicked you again immediately when you reconnected becouse there exists a bug that if you get kicked once, they cannot kick you anymore.
"You have already voted for this player" message shows up.
So maybe they used their admin power to get you out of the server which was the original intention of your team.
Paging @Nea so he can take a look at this thread.

Votekick is an option to all of the players. Kicking after it is just not an option anymore.

I would like to see/know wich admin it is, because "Sere" doesnt mean anything, i dont know any admin with name "sere", so next time please add the steam_id.


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