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Unban request

Salam alikoum,
i've been banned by someone named oFF. and guess what ? some players asked  him to do it !!!!!!
the suspect me using wallhack but no one has a demo, even the admin who banned me.
anyway ! what can i do to prove that i'm not using cheats, wh or others !?
Some players know me and they know that i'm not a hacker.

Btw, the admin who banned me, asked some photos. idk why !!! someone can explain this point.

So, try to find some good reason to ban clean players or make demo and let's talk about it.

That's all, sincerly yours !

Hey Bro

Go to ur cs folder and find screenshots , thats what u call photos then post .

U can upload ur demo when admin banned u ty , i will watch and unbann if mistake


(04-15-2020, 07:44 AM)fiftar Wrote: Hey Bro

Go to ur cs folder and find screenshots , thats what u call photos then post .

U can upload ur demo when admin banned u ty , i will watch and unbann if mistake


Hey bro
I didn't fond the screenshots made by the admin. I told that to oFF (the admin) on steam private messages.

For the demo, I don't have one. It's not necessary for a clean player. Otherwise, a demo must be recorded before banning a player (recorded by the admin).

Let's talk about the cheat. Some players accused me ofusing wallhack.So they asked the admins to spec me, the admin off decided to ban without a valid reason.

I know why those players suspected me. Maybe because I can wallbang I'm different places on Ddust2, inferno, nuke or train !! Wallbang is possible and allowed on servers !!!

Other thing, some of your admins know me, Luffy and Ties to. I used to play on Bazooka's Server few years ago. Ask them if you want.

Tjarda'A knows me too. We played together on Ambrosia servers before. 

I'm not a cheater, and let me tell you aomething, I don't know what's a cheat !! I never used it.

That's it.

Hello .... thanks Fiftar for moving the topic from WAR Smile or whoever did it .... SS command was used on "Bernard" and it can be found in logs

So Bernard....demo is irrelevant in this situation , i waited enough time with you on spec and steam chat .... All that u said was how great player you are .... The ban is for not providing proof and for how suspect are you , i just listened to players wich were complaining you were shooting through walls . It's not illegal ...
Just understand it was a 5 minute job to upload the photos and all of these could'd be avoided Smile
As i told you on steam , i helped you and gave you enough explanation of the situation but everything has a limit , as strong as you were saying how good you are and experienced , im thinking this isn't the 1st time to provide some SS or a demo ..... isn't it ? So try harder with photos , you will find them and i wish you all the best in this server Smile

(i surely did not understand what "BANNED WITH NO VALID REASON "means for you and i would like to know the VALID ban you will give to someone in case you were and admin ,)

Shooting throw wall is not allowed ??
Snoopy does it every round. He is admin, isn't he ?
Listen, I can show you where and how to shoot throw walls in Dust2. You can make HS !
For the screenshot, I will repeat for the last time, I didn't find any screenshot on the folder you told me to go to !! I will made a screenshot for the repertory !
Since you are an admin, I think you have some tools to spec players and make demos. Why you didn't make a demo for a hacker with a permban ?!!
Another thing, I see banlist right now, some people are banned for few days; reason aimbot !! What's the difference ?
You keep avoiding my questions cuz you don't have answers.
I'm clean and I don't deserve this ban. Encore, I don't deserve a ban without a proof ! And Wallbang is possible cuz valve make it on its official maps.

Best regards !

""..... were complaining you were shooting through walls . It's not illegal "

If I highlight maybe you can see ....

I still have some coffee and coffee goes with chat well so i'll indulge you Smile

I WILL BREAKDOWN YOUR POST :Smile just for fun 

Shooting throw wall is not allowed ??   -  yes it is allowed 

Snoopy does it every round. He is admin, isn't he ? - yes he is 
Listen, I can show you where and how to shoot throw walls in Dust2. You can make HS !  - no thank we are good 
For the screenshot, I will repeat for the last time, I didn't find any screenshot on the folder you told me to go to !! I will made a screenshot for the repertory ! - search better ... maybe along the search you will find your path to the meaning of life ... or atleast the meaningless of the posts you are making 

Since you are an admin, I think you have some tools to spec players and make demos. Why you didn't make a demo for a hacker with a permban ?!! - we did ... you have 3 demo's per map so it makes easier to upload for players and for us to look only to 1 part of the gameplay , the demos are PART1 DD2 , PART2 DD2 and....and....well well well....PART 3 as you probably guessed 
Another thing, I see banlist right now, some people are banned for few days; reason aimbot !! What's the difference ? some ppl are priviledged and they pay money Smile) i was kidding ... there is a basic AC system that scan players constantly or join time for various cheats ... based through a dictionary cheat database 
You keep avoiding my questions cuz you don't have answers. - can't answer this ... no question mark "? "  ( avoid questions = no answers ) this is deep ... sorry i felt on thoughts .... for a few moments 
I'm clean and I don't deserve this ban. Encore, I don't deserve a ban without a proof ! And Wallbang is possible cuz valve make it on its official maps. - as a wise man says .... HOW CLEAN IS IT REALLY CLEAN ?    (mindfuck oFF, part1 , act2Smile Angel

don't do drugs kids .... 

Best regards !

(04-15-2020, 11:29 AM)Sadly, I think you can\t understand and you keep writing non-sense.Le malheur c Wrote: ""..... were complaining you were shooting through walls . It's not illegal "

If I highlight maybe you can see ....

I still have some coffee and coffee goes with chat well so i'll indulge you Smile

I WILL BREAKDOWN YOUR POST :Smile just for fun 

Shooting throw wall is not allowed ??   -  yes it is allowed 

Snoopy does it every round. He is admin, isn't he ? - yes he is 
Listen, I can show you where and how to shoot throw walls in Dust2. You can make HS !  - no thank we are good 
For the screenshot, I will repeat for the last time, I didn't find any screenshot on the folder you told me to go to !! I will made a screenshot for the repertory ! - search better ... maybe along the search you will find your path to the meaning of life ... or atleast the meaningless of the posts you are making 

Since you are an admin, I think you have some tools to spec players and make demos. Why you didn't make a demo for a hacker with a permban ?!! - we did ... you have 3 demo's per map so it makes easier to upload for players and for us to look only to 1 part of the gameplay , the demos are PART1 DD2 , PART2 DD2 and....and....well well well....PART 3 as you probably guessed 
Another thing, I see banlist right now, some people are banned for few days; reason aimbot !! What's the difference ? some ppl are priviledged and they pay money Smile) i was kidding ... there is a basic AC system that scan players constantly or join time for various cheats ... based through a dictionary cheat database  Big Grin 
You keep avoiding my questions cuz you don't have answers. - can't answer this ... no question mark "? "  ( avoid questions = no answers ) this is deep ... sorry i felt on thoughts .... for a few moments 
I'm clean and I don't deserve this ban. Encore, I don't deserve a ban without a proof ! And Wallbang is possible cuz valve make it on its official maps. - as a wise man says .... HOW CLEAN IS IT REALLY CLEAN ?    (mindfuck oFF, part1 , act2Smile Angel

don't do drugs kids .... 

Best regards !



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