06-30-2019, 11:19 AM
I got a ban from server dd2 and frankly I was using hacker and inside the server Emarat and the server entered the mistake Arabian dd2 and I know it is protected
Nike Name : N ' aVi|Tupac|X|TaRaZaN|Dz
steam id : STEAM_1 : 0 : 940298867
my ip :
I got a ban from server dd2 and frankly I was using hacker and inside the server Emarat and the server entered the mistake Arabian dd2 and I know it is protected
Nike Name : N ' aVi|Tupac|X|TaRaZaN|Dz
steam id : STEAM_1 : 0 : 940298867
my ip :
I hope to break the ban quickly and thank you all
Good luck