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Rawrz is a cheater

So as of most of you guys know, i do Youtube videos and i try to upload daily videos, so yeah as much as fun it is to make it still taks me so much time and efforts to make.

Yesterday i made a new video that is different from the kind of stuff i make usually, it took me over 10+ hours of recording, editing, rendering and uploading so yeah alot of efforts went into it and i would appreciate if you can just go watch the video, give it a like and maybe leave a nice comment.

Thumbnail is made by frosty which is the same guy you hear talking in the video most times.

And also i made a discord server dedicated to my youtube channel, so if you want to support me you can also join it >>

Thanks bruvs

oh yeah and sorry for the clickbait ^^

Hi bro ,

Nice work /vidz (when U or frosty laugh xD ), funny fraggs + Office map stay in my heart forever #OLDSCHOOL Smile

Peace bro

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