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Counter Strike cleaning program

Hi family.
I got unbanned and the admins told me to clean your cs folder or download a clean version of counter strike.
Can someone tell me how to clean my counter strike folders from any cheats?

delete your cs and download this

I already have that counter strike dude.
And Za3iim put me on scanning mode again. If I scan again I will get banned like before. What shall I do now? I don't have money on steam to buy the original one, and the rest of the other players playing the same version as me, we're not using any hacks.
I'm not scanning till someone find a solution.
Fiftar gave me a second chance, I accept that second chance but I'm innocent.
I repeat, WestCoast I have the counter strike, I downloaded it again, it's the same counter strike that i got banned on.

And I got banned for 1 day for leaving without a scan.
I need Fiftar or _Brave_ on this.

what the cs you downloaded now because your cs have danger files just doenload arabian version again and if the problem still tell me

(12-12-2018, 04:59 PM).:WЁ§ŦĆǾλ$Ť:. Wrote: what the cs you downloaded now because your cs have danger files just doenload arabian version again and if the problem still tell me

Okey, thanks dude i downloaded it, but there's a problem once i open the arabian version, to start a game against bot, it won't join the server
Is arabian version only for the arabian servers?

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