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Ramadan Marathon

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Admin request

Your Game Name: Fiftar dollet

Your Real Name: Danté

Your Age:37

Your Facebook Account:No american facebook sry

Your Experience-tell us about yourself : Hi / slm bros.. After a break for a broken hand and new baby, i am back for some headshots. I play it late at night
I was admin here by the past.I know amx_mod and i play this game since cs 1.1, Old steam account (14 years) with multiple games .... Some ppl ( admins or not ) knew me for a long time.
Am good mood and i can help young community. Some ppl suspect me for wh/aim, am ok for a scan ...
Ty for reading and cya on DD2 / Deathmatch / automix.

Happy Eid Wink

Cya bros

Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:546783

Your steam profile link:

Server Name: DD2 only

Idk why i cant reply so ----> edit.

thank you so much for positive feedback bros

Totally recommend this player (my old friend)
Regards, NervN

+1 Good player got focus and cigarettes  Smile

Fiftar dollet <3 The King Of Ak47 Old Days 2015/2016 In DD2 Server 

+ Rep Good Player 

          Good Friend  Big Grin 

bcs u are old admin u know all the rules and i will inform u again please be sure to read all Adminship and follow it as well , be active in the forum too

if u have any question cantact me , accepted 

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