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Admin Application

Game Name:X
Real Name:Islam
Facebook Account:
Experience-tell us about yourself :Former Head admin in a community, former Admin here in arabian servers
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:77378844
Name: IslemiX
GameTracker Stats (requested server): example:

+Rep  Big Grin
Good Player Big Grin
  Great Friend  Big Grin
   All Support   Big Grin 

Wait For @"D LUFFY"  And @_Brave_

Good player we need from admin to be active in server and forume white lufy to see request
All the best

hey :

1- tell me how and why you lost your admin ?

2- from 07-11-2017 and you have just 6 hours online !! and all your thread is complaint about admins ( no suggestion , contribution or help ... ect) !

3- yes u are old player but your logs in server not regular !!

explain the 3 points above

ok well:

1- i lost my right without a clear reason infact ,you can look into the forum to check it, i guess (and it is only my guess) it was my offline status for a personnal life reason during that time, and i didn't ask to give it back either, i saw it as a justified move from the manager perhaps.

2- If it is about the forum i lurk around offline ,if there is something interesting i log, othewise you see my age ,other than ban ,complaint ,server issues and improving, or admin meeting, i will not join teenagers talk or empty one, my main goal is to look in improving the server and his management, in the other hand my server presence is well known

For the complaint part; 2 of the 3 admins that i complaint against, are removed , (the 3 rd banned me without ginving me a new link for the scan, and he was blamed in the thread about it, because the link had trojan that time, thus the ban was unfair and i was unbanned)

When i see injustice and a real mess with admin power, as player in the server and my dutie as a member of this community why not complaint againt rules breaker? there is no shame or wrong doing to talk about abuses from the admins, but as an admin ofc this kind of behaviors will be discussed privetly only, not in public.

3- if regular mean 12 hours a day i guess you are right ,but no body can do that ,but if you mean everyday you are wrong , am almost everyday in the server, and gametrack can tell about it, although i join deathmatch before dd2

Best regards

I  Just Wanna Make Some Think Clear Abour First Question 
I Remember The Reason Why U Get Removed As Admin
Yes Bcs Beetle Ex Manager Removed All Old Admins
In One including X And Akii And Holigan And More .... LAst Year
Reason Low Activity BAck Then

admins are the face of servers so they need to be polite and communicate very well with players and do their job with following our rules , i checked your chat log 

you have negative personality and connect very poorly with players , so after discussion with _BRAVE_  we see you are not deserve to be admin in this moment . 

notice : this game was created for have fun and make relationships with players and sharing experiences with each other, i recommend to connect with players well and 

apply again .

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