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Server # 121
[AMXBans] =============================================== 
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin Smoker Life~~. 
[AMXBans] There are 2 days , 7 hours , 11 minutes and 52 seconds left of your ban. 
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : KaMiKaZe 
[AMXBans] Reason : ' insultAllah ' 
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ 
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 64462314 ' 
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' ' 
[AmxBans] Server : Arabian-Servers.Com [Dust2Only] ( de_dust2 ) 
[AmxBans] Created in : 08/18/2018 - 16 : 39 : 07 
[AmxBans] Expiry in : 08/21/2018 - 16 : 39 : 07 
[AMXBans] =============================================== 
Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks
Kicked by Console:  You are BANNED. Check your console.
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check your console.

Smoker Life bans me for insultAllah ???? I think he does not know that I'm a Muslim myself. Elhamdulilah!
I call for an immediate ban on my account on the server.
AND AN EXCUSE OF SMOKER LIFE !!!  :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

you are good player and never see you insult in server dm if this first time insult we give chanse but dont insult agin alah we are muslim and we need respect

It does not really matter if I'm a good player or not. This is about a very different matter !!! Smoker Life says I told InsultAllah.
If I am a Muslim ... Elhamdulilah!
Request for an immediate release of my account on the server. And an apology from SMOKER LIFE

This is your problem KaMiKaZa

Whats this exactly??
Best Regards

it mean insult the god , bcs u r muslim and u know it's shame and this forbiden in this community , and not give ur apologize to smoker but to ur god 

ur request rejected 

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