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New Position in Arabian Servers

hello guys i wish you are all good  Big Grin

We have created a new position administrative on our server named : " Assistant Admin " to help and maintain balance in our servers 

and of course a making good decisions in the future about the admin request .

what is assistant admin ??

when we receive admin requests, we need to use our powers to search for this player like : he have reputation with cheat or no , his behavior 

with players if this player active in forum or no ...ect .

But sometimes we are be not sure whether to accept or refuse the admin request and to be fair with all the players we created this position 

like an exam you must passed it to get admin .

notice 1 : assistant admin have 50% power of admin .

notice 2: this new position available in all servers .

Regards, NervN

Yeap Good Idea And Good Luck
About My Opinion You Need To watch Their Actions Closely
For Exp : Slap For No Reason
I Wanna Clear Some Think Very important
I'm talking to all admins
When Cts Players Rush Long OR B Tunnel or .... 
Thats Not Mean TS Are Camping Its All About The Time Of The Round

Im saying That Bcs I saw One Of The Admins Slap In Min 1:30 Reason Camp 
I Mean We have lost Alot Of Players In The Past I Dont Want To This Happen Again

All Respect 

@D luffy     assistant  admin  can be titled trial admin
- change color of trial admin or (assistant admin) to make difference btw admin and trial admin

PS: Trial admin color can be like this color 

@chawki u are right this is what the admin should follow , ability to make the right decision at anytime like this example which you mentioned , 

anyway u have admin chat u can warn him or informe me in PM, and i will do my best about this behaviors , thank u a lot .

@Dolmisher good notice we will change the color between admin and assistant admin ASAP ,  thank u a loot  .

I think everything is clear enough, you can easily click on the name to determine if he admin or assistant admin.
Best Regards

(08-13-2018, 05:28 PM)_BRAVE_ Wrote: I think everything is clear enough, you can easily click on the name to determine if he admin or assistant admin.

i played in wtb community and in ambrosia community and now i joined this community cause both are closed
1- all communities trial admin color is oranage 

2- it's my opinion

 PS: admin and assistant admin isn't the same

with all my respect

(08-13-2018, 09:11 PM)Dolmisher Wrote: i played in wtb community and in ambrosia community and now i joined this community cause both are closed
1- all communities trial admin color is oranage 

2- it's my opinion

 PS: admin and assistant admin isn't  the same

with all my respect
The main difference between admin and assistant is the access to ban players.
For each server there is a spesific color for the admins, and if we want to make a color for assistant, thats mean a specific color for each server too, so the final result is: the forum will become a fruit dish,
Best Regards

I Wanna Rainbow Color Name xD

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