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Ramadan Marathon

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no cheaters from now

Hi guys im Professor and im a moviemaker i have an idea about peaple  who cant scan
There are auto record on Server just give me demo and wait 12 hour if they cheat i will make spotted on youtube on Arrabian Server channel ( i will creat one ) and if he's clean it will unbaned by admin ^^

good idea brother..

Good Job ! good idea

Very good idea

Keep it up.

scan is better we all know about moviemakings but what if the cheater is smart using wallhack but risking him self for not being spotted
and there is alots of premium cheats that are super legits you can't even spot them even if you use dem_forcehltv 1
so scan is better or add ucp client at the sv it is the N' 1 anti cheat
and if someone who can't scan try to download net framework 4
and about the one who banned perm ban him he usually get banned because he was trying to bypass or edit the hex of the program ( i read this at the forum )
and then for the one who get banned for 1 day ask him for the demo
you already known that in some countries upload is shits 170 mb will take hours to be uploaded

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