game name: -boomlele
Real Name: Tamer Hamaydh
Age: 19
Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/tamer.alhmaidh
Experience-tell us about yourself: i've been playing cs since 2009 and in servers arabian 2013
steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104988219
steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tamer8881/
server name: dd2
I want to cooperate with you though I am Admin
I apologize for the previous mistakes
Thank you for your efforts
game name: -boomlele
Real Name: Tamer Hamaydh
Age: 19
Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/tamer.alhmaidh
Experience-tell us about yourself: i've been playing cs since 2009 and in servers arabian 2013
steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104988219
steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tamer8881/
server name: dd2
I want to cooperate with you though I am Admin
I apologize for the previous mistakes
Thank you for your efforts
