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Freeman - another clueless admin

This is an example of how many admins behave on the D2-server. 

Freeman has no idea what rules he must follow as an admin, as listed on:

"3 - admin must deal with campers slap if he doesn't move slay directly if he camping again and again then ban him for 10 min , usually this rule doesn't include mix and deathmatch servers ."

When I told Freeman he should slap / slay campers, he gagged me for 1 minute and said "next time dont speak pls"

Followed by "let players play as they like, with no hacks" which makes no sense...

Once again, this keeps happening on the server because some admins are still beginners and shouldn't have admin privileges yet. But what now? Every time I speak to an admin I get ban / gag? Sort it out please, it's childish. 

Since the last rank reset, this server is already on 8-9k visitors because most of us (regular players and admins) play together in unity, as friends. But some are trying to ruin that unfortunately. 

You NEED to look into this further as there are many other players on the server that are far more capable as potential admins, all you need to do is ask us and this server will run smoother. 

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it depends how you define the word camper, below 1min i slay at camp.

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