08-20-2019, 12:35 PM
Hey chaal,
Do u remember this ?
*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) (Admin) Sn2opy : chaal ? fiftar ask you on steam
*DEAD* CPL NET : i need to WARNING : Dont Swear ! ^^
*DEAD* AUG : /shop
*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) C'hAL._ : no
and this ? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...711BDACFA/
Chaal banned without reason ? u joke dude? all day u insult / troll / taunt / defy players ..I have many screenshots of ur insults
We talked together about this by the past, you promised to stop bad behavior ...
Stay ban 1 or 2 weeks , 3 hrs is not enough for recidivist ...
Do u remember this ?
*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) (Admin) Sn2opy : chaal ? fiftar ask you on steam
*DEAD* CPL NET : i need to WARNING : Dont Swear ! ^^
*DEAD* AUG : /shop
*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) C'hAL._ : no
and this ? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...711BDACFA/
Chaal banned without reason ? u joke dude? all day u insult / troll / taunt / defy players ..I have many screenshots of ur insults
We talked together about this by the past, you promised to stop bad behavior ...
Stay ban 1 or 2 weeks , 3 hrs is not enough for recidivist ...