07-22-2019, 05:50 PM
hey D smoker
in this pc wich im playing CS 1.6 i cant download this wargods because im not the leader of it when i need to download wargods they ask me about the password and i dont know it that so i cant do my scan and i play too much arabian servers too much and i didnt asked about scan now im back after 3 months and im asked about scan from D LUFFY he say that im wall hacker i hope you understand my problem and thanks
in this pc wich im playing CS 1.6 i cant download this wargods because im not the leader of it when i need to download wargods they ask me about the password and i dont know it that so i cant do my scan and i play too much arabian servers too much and i didnt asked about scan now im back after 3 months and im asked about scan from D LUFFY he say that im wall hacker i hope you understand my problem and thanks