06-13-2018, 03:10 AM
hello there :
About age do not worry more than 18 years so much , So much that i can tell you that you have give me scan with different name
your name in game "cool" and the name in scan which you provided me " Quitter " !!!!???
can you explain that ?!!! and since 2016 when i'm in server i didn't see you, so i dont have any problem with you personally , i do my job , by the way wait @beetlejuice
will answer you , and good luck .
best of regards ....
About age do not worry more than 18 years so much , So much that i can tell you that you have give me scan with different name
your name in game "cool" and the name in scan which you provided me " Quitter " !!!!???
can you explain that ?!!! and since 2016 when i'm in server i didn't see you, so i dont have any problem with you personally , i do my job , by the way wait @beetlejuice
will answer you , and good luck .
best of regards ....