salam alykom
normally everyone knows me here ALGERIA 43 years old from Algeria chlef Education supervisor amateur of cs 1.6 I just want to share my photo album of 12 years of play what I found on my pc but I have more than 20 years of career I found that of ss of ban I played only on the well-known servers like: hscorp ambrossia servers cs-club oldscools-cs from what I remember it was the good old days ambrossia was the top with British German Algerian I lost the Windows XP SS, it was a very long time ago... I even have a ss of arabian servers from 2018 even before the arrival of some admins I see that some admins do not like me because I do not follow the mission or I am long unfortunately I am getting old the reflex and the body do not follow also must forgive me I do my best I hope that I will stay even more with you if I have a little time and good health