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Ramadan Marathon

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hello everyone i hole you are all doing good and enjoying your stay on the serve ,since we are trying to improve the server each and everyday i would like to hear everyone opinion concerning anything he might suggest on server:
1) fastswitch snipers
2) Nades  (disabling smokes , or disable self flash )
3) awp limit
4) skins (some think it useless some other say it fun)
5) parachutes to jump from hight spots
6) teamspeak3 new suggestions
7) making new competitons
8) weapons menu
9) any suggestions on mix

N.B: please share with us whatever is in your mind about anything you might suggest ! thanks all for making this community better each and everyday

In my opinion
1) awp fastswitch should be off . It will be less abuse more fun
2) if you delete the smoke it will be like impossible to beat awpers especially when you keep it fastswitch . Its the only way .
3)awp limiti think 3 is enough for each team.
5) very bad idea for me . Not fun . And some players will abuse it like terros they have advantages in rushes with it ... as a suggestion for that you can add a plugin that you can jump from anywhere and you wont take any damage .
7) +1
9) try to get more players from public to join mixes , try to get players to use teamspeak while in live mixes matches

Remove Fastswitch.

SMALL ADVICE: We are 90% STEAM player based on classic, and I have seen a lot of people who got the gift accounts play on mix. 

Our mix servers are full quality oldschool CS, which means AWP Fs is not there. Competitive CS has no modifications for weapons/advantage.

So IMHO don't get used to fastswitch AWP because it will ruin the way you play the AWP and you will find it hard to get used to the normal version again.

Removing Fast switch can be more difficult for players who have higher pings, it will be more slow in my opinion

Big Grin 
[1) fast switch is cool but they r using awp like ak maybe making it more slower will be good
2) if u remove nades from vip why would player spay for vip nades give vips advantage so let them

1) you can disable damage detector , because some people can know your place behind the wall 
2)and make a modification in awp fastswitsh by disable them or decreasing the switsh time
Cool Cool

(01-13-2023, 05:21 PM)Kheiro Wrote: 1) fastswitch snipers = we can keep it for option 2).
2) Nades  (disabling smokes , or disable self flash )= it's part of the game, more fun.
3) awp limit =  3 for each .
4) skins (some think it useless some other say it fun) = possible crashes, am against .
5) parachutes to jump from hight spots = it makes game unrea l/ abuse .
6) teamspeak3 new suggestions = +1 support teamspeakserver . 
7) making new competitons = +1 for it agree.
8) weapons menu = +1 agree.

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