Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: Automix?
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Is the automix servers gone? Can only find the dust2 public one...
It is not working until DSS2
What you mean dss2?
Its offline, 
will be re opened soon. We just looking for admins teams to handle it.

If some one have his ready team 5-10 admins, we could open mix servers  in no time up to maybe  4-6   x  10 slots servers, each one with its admins team or even same team handling more than 1 mix server etc

Best regards,
I'll post that on my socials media!! THAT WE NEED AT LEAST 10 TEAMS actives and we will see ...we need active team Mr shift
(02-05-2025, 03:14 PM)kEsZ Wrote: [ -> ]I'll post that on my socials media!! THAT WE NEED AT LEAST 10 TEAMS actives and we will see ...we need active team Mr shift
I dont mean 10 teams x5 or x10 players

We only need one team to handle each Mix server. We could start with 1 Mix server and this team will manage it

(02-05-2025, 03:14 PM)kEsZ Wrote: [ -> ]I'll post that on my socials media!! THAT WE NEED AT LEAST 10 TEAMS actives and we will see ...we need active team Mr shift
I dont mean 10 teams x5 or x10 players

We only need one team to handle each Mix server. We could start with 1 Mix server and this team will manage it