Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: Salut / salam
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Hello evry one ! It a honour to join Arabian server .. I heard a lot about mix's servers and DD2 . Yesterday I got invited by my Friend kEsZ - at night and we have fun ... I'll be active here and on server ...I have experience a lot of experience in French's servers IAM CEO PROGRAMER also 
If u need help am here ...
I saw some good player on ( iplayed 1 map) like kEsZ / VN / ASSASN / VITALITY ...
Merci mecc ^^
Welcome everyone gg
Bienvenue FALKS ❤️
WS @ Leonardo

Best thing is to see old gold players coming back and with new ones Cool

Welcome to our Server and thanks to kEsZ for inviting you

Salut Frérot,

Si tu es l'ami de Kesz tu es le bienvenu, on se voit sur le serveur tous ensemble et merci pour le compliment ! Wink


Snoopy / VN
You didnt mention my name lol)
but I want everyone here to understand that the flag that is on his profile is a problematic flag, the flag of the extreme right of RN (racist flag ....) I do not understand a sympathizer of the extreme right playing with Arabs more Muslim and the thing that makes me think more he wants to be a server programmer
but if the owner wants to open the door to him I have nothing to say  Angel
[Image: drapeau-croix-de-lorraine-flagsonline.jpg]
(01-30-2025, 09:43 AM)_144hz_ Wrote: [ -> ]You didnt mention my name lol)

XD awpgod

(01-31-2025, 10:40 AM)ALGERIA.. Wrote: [ -> ]welcome
but I want everyone here to understand that the flag that is on his profile is a problematic flag, the flag of the extreme right of RN (racist flag ....) I do not understand a sympathizer of the extreme right playing with Arabs more Muslim and the thing that makes me think more he wants to be a server programmer
but if the owner wants to open the door to him I have nothing to say  Angel
[Image: drapeau-croix-de-lorraine-flagsonline.jpg]
SALAM allaykom 1st of all is not rasict is old french empire flag ( 1819-1956) and IAM a Muslim am originally from Mali Smile then I represent my self as a human not as a Muslim or not ..
Secondly if U find it offensive I'll change it I don't have program ..
And IAM daily worker I dont have responsibility time for server ^^ 
I said if they need some help ( technically/ monney ... ect 
Thanks Algeria for Ur understanding ❤️

(01-29-2025, 03:48 PM)SHIFT Wrote: [ -> ]WS @ Leonardo

Best thing is to see old gold players coming back and with new ones Cool

Welcome to our Server and thanks to kEsZ for inviting you


Thank you MR SHIFT

(01-29-2025, 08:58 PM)Snoopy Dollet Wrote: [ -> ]Salut Frérot,

Si tu es l'ami de Kesz tu es le bienvenu, on se voit sur le serveur tous ensemble et merci pour le compliment ! Wink


Snoopy / VN

Oh t'es vn ^^ enchanté ❤️