Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: UNBAN otherw0rldLy
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[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] Du har blivit bannlyst fran denna server av admin Snoopy.
[AMXBans] Du ' a ' r permanent bannlyst fran denna server.
[AMXBans] Bannlyst med nicket : otherw0rldLy
[AMXBans] Anledning : ' Wallhack '
[AMXBans] Du kan ' o ' verklaga din ban @
[AMXBans] Ditt SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 1 : 782989711 '
[AMXBans] Ditt IP : ' '
[AMXBans] ===============================================

DEMO: otherw0rldLydemo (
Comment: For 6 days I have been trying to put this on the forum and there are problems with it. In general, I have been banned even though I previously checked the admin and this 3 demo. Also, if you want to check me through anything else, I don’t mind. I loved this server, but in In the end, the decision is yours and I respect it.
Hi Bro, Things will be fine for you only after patience
(05-06-2024, 08:03 PM)wakas² Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Bro, Things will be fine for you only after patience

A day has passed!

TY for your demos, unbanned.
