Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: Tournament 01/03/2023 Teams regesitration
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This is how you should register your team in the TOURNAMENT! 

Captain : 1) "nickname in game" + steamid + the player id from gameme

other members : 
2) " player nickname" + steamid + the player id from gameme
3) "player nickname" + steamid + the player id from gameme
4) "player nickname" + steamid + the player id from gameme
5) "player nickname" + steamid + the player id from gameme

- The nicknames that you register with shouldn't change in the all of macthes 
- After all of the teams registration gets done . teams will be named according to there registration date (TEAM A , TEAM B ....) 
- Last date for registration is : 25/02/2023
- Nicknames shouldn't contain any kind of advertising 
- must read the first thread first before register here :

P.S : No spam in this thread , its only for teams regsitration. 
captain : kheiro , STEAM_0:0:709604446

2) rLy -_-` , STEAM_0:0:420422080
3) Korist (Prey) , STEAM_0:1:84124928
4) nova , STEAM_0:1:461812816
5) albatik , STEAM_0:0:466109240
6) dsN, STEAM_0:1:624396188
captain : Ayoub *Dz* , STEAM_0:0:196888089

2) sayo , STEAM_0:1:11896441
3) ShaozexiaN , STEAM_0:1:23320543
4) adil , STEAM_0:0:6741 
5) LinK^ , STEAM_0:1:16901098
Captain : 1) "skill not found" + STEAM_0:0:460481218 + 27018

other members :
2) "retu" + STEAM_0:1:47147204 + 15715

3) "yeet" + STEAM_0:1:60208943 + 27458

4) "enar" + STEAM_0:0:155698156 + 24048

5) "beardh" + STEAM_0:1:8218 + 44581

6) "duliff" + STEAM_0:1:240963891 + 39471
Captain : 1) Roberto Carlos / STEAM_0:1:757854772

2) 5. 357 / STEAM_0:1:57964008
3) Sakuragi Hanamichi / STEAM_0:1:16060462
4) moezida / STEAM_0:0:2208924
5) dieter / STEAM_0:1:16000696
Captain: peekw<3 " STEAM_0:0:722934829 "
el peperoni - " STEAM_0:1:128941572 "
pECKER - " STEAM_0:1:10878835 "
INDIO - " STEAM_0:0:554807350 "
axRRRRRR - " STEAM_0:0:32953 "
1) presto / STEAM_0:1:692734
2) b0byG / STEAM_0:1:6448144
3) SnaCeS / STEAM_0:0:125123108
4) TBC
5) TBC
#01: MHz*, STEAM_0:1:68722306

#02: cplbitch, STEAM_0:0:4107344

#03: ???, STEAM_0:0:611982120

#04: Mat, STEAM_0:1:658185

#05: Pouped ., STEAM_0:1:10094542
(01-28-2023, 02:48 PM)Captain moka -  STEAM_0:0:79482550oka STEAM_0:0:3725365 Wrote: [ -> ]niklaus STEAM_0:0:45010718
Nickname : Sakuragi Hanamichi / STEAM_0:1:16060462
Nickname: 5.357 / STEAM_0:1:57964008
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