I see alot of people moaning about playing the same maps over and over which have been voted. So here's a idea -
Lets face it, de_cbble is never played and de_forge is the same layout as de_cbble but more compact and better fps.
So it would make sense too remove de_cbble and add de_forge (More fun in my opinion).
Also removing de_cpl_mill would be an obvious delete due too de_tuscan played instead of this.
De_cache(enjoyable map) and css_overpass are of course played very often in CSGO.. but there are cs 1.6 versions of these maps and could be added if people wanted them.
OK, Peoples thoughts?
![[Image: 84037]](https://gamebanana.com/mods/84037)
i'm in about de_forge, it would be a nice twist up since cbble is never played.
about cache, for sure will be so laggy for low fps players.
lets hear from arabian players too,
I have played de_cache and css_overpass and I liked both maps. About overpass, it'd have to be learned to be played as a team since it's quite hard to find that map on the servers currently online. De_cache is still being played and I think it'd be easier to be played. About de_forge, NGL, i have never played it but from the pics it really looks like de_cbble but smaller. Which would solve cbble's problem. Because de_cbble is really big. Would rather have de_cobblestone than de_cbble on the servers.
I like the overall idea.
Also, de_cpl_mill should be removed. Doesn't make any sense when there's Tuscan.
I would love to see de_cache on servers, and i suggest adding de_lite instead of de_aztec or de_dust since no one votes for them.
I think adding overpass and cache is a good idea,
cbble should be REMOVED and not REPLACED.
have never played any of them but i say go for it! Remove de_dust and de_aztec and de_cbble
nothing is going to change, I already asked to delete all the maps that are useless since 2 years to Colombia, it would also be necessary to put back the minute ban when we change server but apparently nobody is able to do it, I do not know why, it is not so complicated
I've spoke too Tjaarda(tech admin) , he will add/change the maps, i just wanted too see what people think of the new maps/changes. Also i will ask about the 1minute ban etc
i guess im late to give my opinion about this , however for me i think cache and lite would be the best alternatives for a change .