Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: `Eysssa__. bad admin
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hey all there is admin his name is `Eysssa__.  he gaged me before for nothing and ban me two times for camp??

i play in arabian server about 4 years there is no admin ban me for camp or gag me  i dont know what the problem with him!!

You have been banned from this Server by Admin `Eysssa__.
There are 28 minutes and 16 seconds left of your ban.
Banned Nickname : V E R A
Reason : ' Camping '
You can complain about your ban @
Your SteamID : ' STEAM_1 : 0 : 234261926 '
Your IP : ' 41.37.193
hey vera 

last 3 time you bass t i warned you dont play camper ! why tell me bad says ? cry admin  

always ask me cry admin and the last time, the second time you ask, pay attention to something 


You know the reason.
