hi there is it ok for a admin just to kick you with out a warning ? was playing automix and got kicked with out any reason is it ok for admins to just kick anyone when they feel like it ?
heLboy* was the admin
Yes was me....u are trolling all game, u flash on purpose, and u are always insulting people calling "fkin retards". Tell if this is a lie !!!!! U can be gratefull was kick, and no ban, and it wouldnt be the first right?
SO behave on servers, cause the most dont know u to call them what u like!
hows that trolling i was calling and you decided to do your own thing not work as a team thats fine if u dont wanna play as a team you should of said so and we could of vote kick u out happily
thanks evotme
anyway its just a game no need to get stressed over a game
i Dont get stressed, but if u come to troll u are in a wrong place my friend!!! and like i say, NO MORE INSULTS
so its ok for u to troll then dont say u didnt troll in the game i was in with u its fine your admin u can do what u want we get it
I dont come to troll....i prefer not to play ma friend
bruh, i recommend to ban him!
and kinguku you really are wrong here, be grateful he is a manager and didn't ban you yet.
Well, i like to keep them coming to mixes to play, but they insist to leave, cause they come to troll and insult, and cheat, and they think that our patience is unlimited. They have always complains to make, but follow the rules of servers....they forget about that.
We are here to keep things clean as we can, to be for others,what they cant be....cause this new ERA of internet HEROES, come bullying everyone, think that they wont be unpunished, think they own every piece of the place that they are......well, they are wrong, and no matter how many complains u guys come to make, there will be even more things wrong that u guys did.
I could be more hard...and yes, i dont have to warn a kick/ban....but second chances are given to everyone.
Respect= Mutual
So keep coming guys, i will be here to let u always down......( not only this thread is an example,not driven to this one person only anyway)