Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: ban j0- for WH without proof
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you should ask for WG scan or anything you need Fiftar before ban,i am playing for long time on arabian servers and never had a issue to provide any scaning or something. unban please !


Hi ?

here we r !!! ur first words
Hmmmm where can i start !!!

First u post in wrong section / wrong request if u ask for unban

About the scan, that does not mean everything, it is a protection against the most popular public cheats, not against private or others.
About wh ban i watched u 10 /15 min before ban. we have same ping bro and there are positions that you are not supposed to know . i was in ur POV , no noise but u know where r playerz.u shift and shoot without any surprise.
Let's talk about your new steam account now that you recently went private. The last time i could see your account you had 60 hrs of cs,what a beast in 60 hrs Smile i asked u many times where is ur previous steam acc ..
The first courtesy is to respond when we speak to you on server , which you have never done. Players talk to you, I talk to you but you never answer.Your first words are here because you can't even say hello / hi / slm ..

U can create an unban request in good section , post ur amxbaninfos and ur last demo ty
We / i will check ur demo with wh cuz i know what i saw .

Ok boss,I will try to Upload them as soon as I have time (working ^^). I shouldn’t do this with thousands of servers online but I will make an exception for you and the reason for my 40 hours profile ... doesn’t mean anything my friend. I am playing this game for 15 years+ and just manage to play again now after 5 years being away with a new account of course. I don’t think I have to explain my account and what competitions I have played... just leave it like that and watch my demos with sound on. I play for fun and nothing else now...see you soon

And just to resume: New account for being off for many years
Private profile just for people like you who ask the question why so few hours played
Not talking with anyone because I am playing 30 min a day just for fun and nothing else
Load of years of experience + good headset = wallhack for people like you

And think about this...would I spend time and effort to explain you this if I had wallhack? I would probably go on next thousands of servers...but as I said, I am just doing exception for you so you can learn how to manage pro players better