Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: Unban request
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[AMXBans] =============================================== 
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin D LUFFY. 
[AMXBans] You are permanently banned. 
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : Gamer.007 
[AMXBans] Reason : ' Aimbot ' 
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ 
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' STEAM_1 : 0 : 1030828218 ' 
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' ' 
[AmxBans] Server : Arabian-Servers.Com [Dust2Only] ( de_dust2 ) 
[AmxBans] Created in : 08/15/2019 - 19 : 17 : 25 
[AmxBans] Expiry in : Permanent 
[AMXBans] =============================================== 
Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks
Missing RIFF/WAVE chunks
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check

ofc ABUSING HIS ADMIN power on me like a mad 10 years old kid 
i dont cheat i used bad words on that kid i should get 1 day ban at least not permant ban
and LUFFY u are A CRYING Kid GRow up its a game.
stay banned for 6 months , closed.