Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: wallhack report
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This player is a wallhacker i am certain:
"aiSKriMz #EatMyBulletz" 12414 STEAM_1:0:1850351496  55 34:30   93    0

He toggles it on/off, so it's not always obvious, but trust me if you observe his game, you will see it clear as day.

Another player i suspect is this:
"3bt." 12502 STEAM_0:0:508744066  39 16:30   81    0

About 3bt, i think he is wallhack and no recoil as well.
Maybe i make mistake about him, and he is very pro. But his game is suspicious.
thank you for the rebort!!
no bro he is very noob
bro you have good reports as always, keep reporting players and i'm thankful.
before long time you was on top of white list players then you did a mistake and you know it because it's only one.
now you are back to the white list again Smile
Thanks bro!