Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: New plugin for funmod
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Hi all my friend 
I have some sugestion player fun mod @.:WЁ§ŦĆǾλ$Ť:.
For more fun in server i think this plugin is good 
This name plugin is auto bunyhop just prese espace in keybword and enjoy it player wil be fast and will add more chalge in server and will be hard thene now

xXx.:'MoNkeY_DRAGON ':.xXx
this is allowed in server ?
Thank you Dragon This suggestion was old you told us in devolpers about this auto bunnyhop but sorry i cant add it because this is will be very fast for player we have 5 jumps and knife steelth this is fast enough Ty bro for this suggestion
@.:WЁ§ŦĆǾλ$Ť:. Good like ^_^