Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: اقتراح لتحسين نسخة cs 1.6 arabian version
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i test counter strike version arabian and he have 2 problem 
1 whene you play 30 min or mor he block and you just restart game
2 and all points whene you play in dd2 restart whene you off and on pc 
just this 2 problem fix soon
this problems not from cs arabian from your pc for fix it

1-you are opening many applications when you play cs close all applications and proggrams and stary play cs

2-for the points i dont understand what you mean take a photo and give it here

as a player and points lover i don't have any problems with the points either.
and i didn't saw anyone have this problems like losing points when u restart or close the game.
hi there :

about losing points i think when ur ip change the points lost too 

im not using ip changer i just test game now i play whith my steam
If you play in cs steam you wont lose your ponits just make sure do not restart or formate your internet device and dont use ip changer