Arabian Servers Counter Strike 1.6

Full Version: i need admin
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Your Game Name: Abu Amro
Your Real Name: Mahmoud
Your Age: 17.6 
Your Facebook Account:
Your Experience-tell us about yourself :  hi Im pro in cs1.6+csgo and when i playing  im not used any cheaters !
Your Steam ID: ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 220740257 ' 
Your steam profile link:
Server Name: De_Dust 2 Only
hi abu amro11,

i don't know where i should start..
let's start with your first seen : 1 month ago
last ban : yesterday (aim reason)
behavior: bad, insults a lot in server , D Luffy banned you for that , and i gagged you for that too.
activity in forums : joined yesterday Sad , pooooooor activity.

this results : application rejected